LM Retinex Links
J.J. McCann,
" A comparison of the properties of the pupillary light reflex and dark adaptation in man",
Thesis, Biology Department, Harvard College, 1964.
J.J. McCann, and J. L. Benton
" Interactions of the Long-Wave Cones and the Rods to Produce Color Sensations",
J. opt. Soc. Am., 59, 103-107, 1969.
69JOSA RODs.pdf
J. J. McCann, E. H. Land and S. M. V. Tatnall,
“Technique for Comparing Human Visual Responses with a Mathematical Model for Lightness‚”
Am. J. Optometry and Archives of Am. Acad. Optometry, 47(11), 845-855, 1970.
E. H. Land and J. J. McCann,
“Lightness and retinex theory‚”
J. Opt. Soc. Am., 61, pp. 1-11, 1971.
Stephen A. Benton, John J. McCann, Stewart W. Wilson, and William R. Wray
“Reply to accusations against Polaroid”
Physics Today, American Institute of Physics, 24, 4, 9 (1971).
Caroline Hunter,
Stephen A. Benton, John J. McCann, Stewart W. Wilson, and William R. Wray
“Polaroid and South Africa”
Physics Today 24, 9, 11 (1971), American Institute of Physics, 24, 4, 9 (1971)
J.J. McCann,
" Rod-Cone Interactions: Different Color Sensations from Identical Stimuli ",
Science, 176, 1255-1257, 1972.
J. J.McCann,
"Human Color Perception"
in Color Theory and Imaging Systems,
Society of Photographic Scientists and Engineers, R. Eynard, ed, Washington, 1-23, 1973.
E. H. Land,
“The Retinex Theory of Colour Vision”,
Proc. R. Instn Gr Brit. 47. 23-58, (1974).
Land 1974 RI.pdf
J. J. McCann, R. L. Savoy, J. A. Hall and J. J. Scarpetti,
“Visibility of Continuous Luminance Gradients‚”
Vis. Research, 14, 917-927, 1974.
74aMcCann etal.pdf
R. L. Savoy and J.J. McCann,
“Visibility of low spatial-frequency sine-wave targets: dependence on number of cycles‚”,
J. opt. Soc. Am., 65, No. 3, 343-350, 1975.
J.J. McCann, S.P. McKee & T. Taylor,
"Quantitative Studies in Retinex Theory, A Comparison BetweenTheoretical Predictions
and Observer Responses to Color Mondrian Experiments",
Vision Res., 16, 445-58, (1976).
76MMT VisRes.pdf
S. P. McKee , J. J. McCann, and J.L Benton ,
" Color Vision from Rod and Long-Wave Cone Interactions:
Conditions in which Rods contribute to Multicolored Images ",
Vis. Research 17, 175-185, 1977.
J. L. Benton, and J. J. McCann,
" Variegated color sensations from rod-cone interactions: Flicker-fusion experiments",
J.opt. Soc. Am. 67, 119-121, (1977).
E.H. Land
“The Retinex Theory of Color Vision”,
Scientific American , 237 ( 6 ), 108–28, (1977 ).
J.J. McCann,
“Visibility of gradients and low-spatial frequency sinusoids: Evidence for a distance constancy mechanism‚”
J. Photogr. Sci.Eng., 22, 64-68, (1978).
78a McCann.pdf
R.L Savoy,
“Low Spatial Frequency and Low Number of Cycles at Low Luminances”,
Photographic Science and Engineering, 22, 76-79, 1978.
J. J. McCann, R. L. Savoy and J. A. Hall, Jr.,
“Visibility of Low Frequency Sine-Wave Targets, Dependence on Number of Cycles and Surround Parameters‚”,
Vis. Research, 18, 891-894, 1978.
78cMcCann et al.pdf
J.J. McCann and J. A. Hall, Jr.,
“Effects of average-luminance surrounds on the visibility of sine-wave gratings‚”
J.opt. Soc. Am., 70, 212-219, 1980.
W. A. Stiehl, J. J. McCann & R. L. Savoy,
"Influence of intraocular scattered light on lightness-scaling experiments",
J. Opt. Soc. Am., 73, pp. 1143-1148, 1983.
83a Stiehl f.pdf
J. J. McCann and K. L. Houston,
“Color Sensation, Color Perception and Mathematical Models of Color Vision,‚”
in: Colour Vision , J. D. Mollon, and L.T. Sharpe, ed.,
Academic Press, London, 535-544, 1983.
J. J. McCann and K. L. Houston,
“Calculating color sensation from arrays of physical stimuli”,
IEEE SMC-13, 1000-1007 1983.
E. H. Land,
“Recent advances in retinex theory and some implications for cortical computations:
Color vision and the natural image*
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 80, 5163-5169, 1983
83 Land PNAS.pdf
E. H. Land,
“An alternative technique for the computation of the designator in the retinex theory of color vision*
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 83, 3078-3080, (1986)
86 Land PNAS .pdf
J. J. McCann,
"Local-Global Mechanisms for Color Constancy"
Proc. AIC, Florence, in Die Farbe, 15, 275-283, (1987).
J. J. McCann,
“Calculated Color Sensations applied to Color Image Reproduction‚”in Image Processing Analysis Measurement and Quality, Proc. SPIE, Bellingham WA, vol. 901, 205-214, (1988).
J.J. McCann
“ The Application of Color Vision Models to Color and Tone Reproductions‚”
in Proc. Japan Hardcopy 88, 196-199, 1988.
J.J. McCann,
“The role of nonlinear operations in modeling human color sensations‚”in Human Vision, Visual Processing and Digital Display,, SPIE Proc., Bellingham, WA, vol .1077, 355-363, (1989).
89 EI .pdf
J.J. McCann,
"Psychophysical measurements of Hannah color/distance effects," in Perceiving, Measuring, and Using Color, SPIE Proc. vol. 1250, pp. 203-211, (1990).
J. J. McCann and R. Savoy,
"Measurements of lightness: dependence on the position of a white in the field of view,"
in Human Vision, Visual Processing, and Digital Display II,
SPIE Proc., vol. 1453, pp. 402-411 (1991).
J.J. McCann,
"Color constancy: small overall and large local changes," in Human Vision, Visual Processing,
and Digital Display III, SPIE, San Jose, CA, USA, SPIE Proc., vol. 1666, pp.310-321, (1992).
J.J. McCann,
“Rules for Colour Constancy‚” Opthal.Opt. 12, 175-177, 1992.
J.J. McCann,
"Color Sensations in Complex Images,"
Final Program and Proceedings of the IS&T/Sid Color Imaging Conference: Transforms & Transportability of Color 16-23, 256 (1993).
E. H. Land (1909-1991),
"Edwin H. Land Essays", ed. Mary A, McCann,
Volume 1- Polarizers and Instant Photography
Volume 2 - Science, Eduction anf Industry
Volume 3 - Color Vision
ISBN: 0-89208-170-8, IS&T, Springfield, (1993).
J.J. McCann,
"Psychophysical Experiments in Search of Adaptation and the Gray World," IS&T's 47th Annual Conference Proc., p. 397, (1994).
94 Annual Adapt 2353.pdf
J.J. McCann, "Scene Normalization Mechanisms in Humans,"
in 2nd IS&T/SID Color Imaging Conference, pp. 5 - 8, Scottsdale, Arizona (1994).
M. A. McCann and J. J. McCann,
"Land's Chemical, Physical, and Psychophysical Images",
Optics & Photonics News, Oct., pp. 34-37, 1994.
94Land's Images.pdf
J.J. McCann,
"Digital Color Transforms Applied to Fine Art Reproduction",
in Proc. of 2nd International Conference on Imaging Science and Hardcopy,
Reprographic Scientists and Engineers Society,
China Instrumentation Society, Guilin, p. 221, 1995.
95 ICISH.pdf
J. J. McCann,
"A Comparison of Color Metrics," in 4th IS&T/SID Color Imaging Conference,
pp. 155 - 159, Scottsdale, Arizona (1996).
96deltaE CIC.cfm.pdf
J.J. McCann,
"High-resolution color photographic reproductions," in Very High Resolution and
Quality Imaging II, SPIE, San Jose, CA, USA, vol. 3025, pp.53-59, (1997).
J.J. McCann,
"Magnitude of Color Shifts from Average-Quanta Catch Adaptation,"
in IS&T/SID Fifth Color Imaging Conference: Color Science, Systems and Applications,
pp. 215 - 220, Scottsdale, Arizona (1997).
97CIC SIS.cfm.pdf
J.J. McCann,
"Color Sensations in Complex Images Color," in Recent Progress in Color Science,
pp. 56 - 63 (1997).
See original paper 93CIC.cfm.pdf
J.J. McCann,
"Scene Normalization Mechanisms in Humans,"
in Recent Progress in Color Science, pp. 76 - 79 (1997).
See original paper 94CIC.cfm.pdf
J.J. McCann,
"Psychophysical Experiments in Search of Adaptation and the Gray World,"
in Recent Progress in Color Science, pp. 14 - 17 (1997).
See 94 Annual Adapt 2353.pdf
J.J. McCann,
"A Comparison of Color Metrics,"
in Recent Progress in Color Science, pp. 362 - 365 (1997).
J.J. McCann,
“Color Mondrian Experiments Without Adaptation‚”
in Proceedings AIC, Kyoto, 159-162, 1997.
A. Bonch-Osmolovski, V. Zuk and J.J. McCann,
"Alexander (Sasha) Petrov - March 20, 1940 December 19, 1997 - Necrology,
"Color Research and Application 23(3), 136-137 (1998).
J.J. McCann,
“Color Theory and Color Imaging Systems: Past, Present and Future‚”,
Imaging. Sci. and Technol., 42, 70-78 1998.
1998 JISTf.pdf
J.J. McCann,
"Color imaging systems and color theory: past, present, and future,"
in Human Vision and Electronic Imaging III, SPIE, San Jose, CA, USA,
vol. 3299, pp.62-82, (1998).
J.J. McCann,
"Color gamut measurements and mapping: the role of color spaces,"
in Color Imaging, SPIE, San Jose, CA, USA, 3648, pp.38-46, (1998).
J.J. McCann, and M. Stokes,
"Color Spaces and Image Quality",
in Proc. First IS&T PICS Conference, 1, 140 144 IS&T Portland, OR, 140-144, (1998).
J.J. McCann,
"Lessons learned from Mondrians applied to real images and color gamuts,"
Seventh Color Imaging Conference: Color Science, Systems and Applications 1-8, (1999).
J.J. McCann,
"Munsell's 100-hue test applied to color films"
in Color Imaging V, EI SPIE, San Jose, CA, USA,
Proc. SPIE 3963, .250-257 (1999).
J.J. McCann,
"Color spaces for color-gamut mapping," Journal of Electronic Imaging,
8(4), pp. 354-364 (1999).
J.J. McCann,
"Spatial contrast and scatter: opposing partners in sensations,"
in Human Vision and Electronic Imaging IV, pp. 97-104, SPIE, San Jose, CA, USA,
3644, pp.97-104, (1999).
J.J. McCann,
"Uniform Color Spaces: 3-D Luts vs. Algorithms,"
in PICS 1999: Image Processing, Image Quality, Image Capture, Systems Conference,
204 - 208, Savannah, Georgia (1999).
J.J. McCann and A. Logvinenko,
“Lightness from Early Vision Spatial Comparisons, Mid Vision Junctions or High Vision Perceptions : The Debate Part 2‚”
Perception, Proc. ECVP, Trieste, (1999). Perception 01/1999; 28:33-34.
J.J. McCann,
“Making Reproductions of Masterpieces: Managing all the Colors within the Gamut”,
Proc. International Symposium on Multispectral Imaging and Color Reproduction for Digital Archives, Chiba, pp. , (1999).
J.J. McCann,
"Using color constancy to advantage in color gamut calculations," Pics 2000: Image Processing, Image Quality, Image Capture, Systems Conference, Proceedings 169-176, 338 (2000).
J. J. McCann,
"The role of Low-spatial frequency components in "High vision" experiments,"
in Pics 2000: Image Processing, Image Quality, Image Capture, Systems Conference, Proceedings 209-215, 338 (2000).
J.J. McCann,
"Color gamut mapping using spatial comparisons,"
in Color Imaging, Proc. SPIE vol. 4300, pp. 126-130, SPIE, San Jose, (2000).
J.J. McCann,
"Calculating the lightness of areas in a single plane,"
in Human Vision and Electronic Imaging V, San Jose, CA, USA,
Proc. SPIE, 3959, 243-253 (2000).
See JEI Journal paper
J.J. McCann,
"Calculating lightnesses in a single depth plane," Journal of Electronic Imaging 10(1), pp.110-122, (2001).
J.J. McCann,
"The Appearance of Brightness and Lightness,"
in Eighth Color Imaging Conference, Scottsdale, Arizona, 8, 18 - 23 (2000).
B. Funt, F. Ciurea and J. McCann,
"Retinex in Matlab,"
in Eighth Color Imaging Conference, Scottsdale, Arizona, pp. 112-121, 362 (2000).
J. McCann,
“Simultaneous Contrast and Color Constancy: Signatures of Human Image Processing‚”in Chapter 6 in Color Perception: Philosophical, Psychological, Artistic, and Computational Perspectives, Vancouver Studies in Cognitive Studies, pp. 87-101, S. Davis, Ed, Oxford University Press, USA, 2000.
J.J. McCann,
"Gestalt vision experiments from an image processing perspective,"
Pics 2001: Image Processing, Image Quality, Image Capture, Systems Conference, Proceedings 9-14, 428 (2001).
J.J. McCann,
"Calculating lightnesses in a single depth plane," Journal of Electronic Imaging 10(1), pp.110-122, (2001).
J.J. McCann,
"Benary's Cross: belongingness or coarse sampling," in Human Vision and Electronic Imaging VI, SPIE, San Jose, CA, USA, SPIE Proc, vol.4299, pp.85-391, (2001).
J.J. McCann,
"Assimilation and Contrast," in The 9th Color Imaging Conference: Color Science and Engineering: Systems, Technologies, Applications, pp. 91 - 96, Scottsdale, Arizona (2001).
J. J. McCann
“Segmented surrounds” (Abstract)
Perception 01/2001; 30:3-4.
J.J. McCann, chair,
“Retinex at 40 Symposium”
in Human Vision and Electronic Imaging VII, Proc. SPIE 4662, 278-439, 2002.
J.J. McCann, J. L. Benton and S. P. McKee,
"Demonstration of red/white projections and rod-Lcone color," in Human Vision and Electronic Imaging Vii, SPIE, San Jose, CA, USA, SPIE Proc, vol. 4662, pp. 324-330,(2002).
See JEI journal paper:
2004aRW Rod.pdf
J.J. McCann,
"Capturing a black cat in shade: the past and present of Retinex color appearance models," in Human Vision and Electronic Imaging Vii, , SPIE, San Jose, CA, USA, SPIE Proc, vol. 4662, pp. 331-340, (2002).
See JEI journal paper
04 Black cat.pdf
B. V. Funt, F. Ciurea and J.J. McCann,
"Tuning Retinex parameters," in Human Vision and Electronic Imaging Vii, , San Jose, CA, USA, SPIE Proc, vol. 4662, pp. 358-366, (2002).
J.J. McCann,
"Image processing analysis of traditional Gestalt vision experiments," in 9th Congress of the International Colour Association, , Rochester, NY, USA, SPIE Proc, vol, 442, pp. 375-378, (2003).
J.J. McCann,
"When do We Assimilate in Color?," in Tenth Color Imaging Conference: Color Science and Engineering Systems, Technologies, Applications,Scottsdale, Arizona pp. 10 - 16, (2002).
J.J. McCann,
"Color Appearance: A Spatial Computation",
ICIS02- May 13-17, Tokyo.
J.J. McCann, “A Spatial Color-Gamut Calculation to Optimize Color Appearance‚”in Colour Image Science: Exploiting Digital Media, Ed. L. W. MacDonald and M. R. Luo, Wiley & Son Ltd.,Chichester, p. 213-233, 2002.
J.J. McCann and A. Rizzi,
"The Spatial Properties of Contrast", in 11th Color Imaging Conference, Scottsdale, Arizona, Volume 11, 51-58, 2003.
McCann& Rizzi cicXI.pdf
J.J. McCann ‚
”Calculating appearances in complex and simple images‚”in Normal and Defective Colour Vision, Mollon J, Pokorny J & Knoblauch ed, 231-239, 2003.
2003 icvs new.pdf
J.J. McCann, editor,
“Retinex at 40 Symposium‚”Journal Special Collection,
Journal EIectronic Imaging, (SPIE) 13, 1-145, 2004.
J.J. McCann,
"Guest Editorial: Special Section on Retinex at 40," Journal of Electronic Imaging 13(1), 6-7 (2004)
04 EI Retinex40 Intro.pdf
J.J. McCann, J. L. Benton and S. P. McKee,
"Red/white projections and rod/long-wave cone color: an annotated bibliography," Journal of Electronic Imaging 13(1), 8-14 (2004).
2004aRW Rod.pdf
J.J. McCann,
"Capturing a black cat in shade: past and present of Retinex color appearance models," Journal of Electronic Imaging 13(1), 36-47 (2004).
04 Black cat.pdf
B. Funt, and F. Ciurea, "Retinex in MATLAB (TM)," Journal of Electronic Imaging 13(1), 48-57 (2004).
funt ciurea.pdf
"Mechanism of color constancy," 12th Color Imaging Conference, 12, 29-36 (2004).
04c CIC12.pdf
J.J. McCann,
"Do humans discount the illuminant?," in Human Vision and Electronic Imaging X, pp. 9-16, SPIE, San Jose, CA, USA, SPIE Proc, vol. 5666, pp. 9-16, (2005).
05a EI5666 3.pdf
J.J. McCann,
"The history of spectral sensitivity functions for humans and imagers: 1861 to 2004," in Color Imaging X: Processing, Hardcopy, and Applications, pp. 1-9, SPIE, San Jose, CA, USA, SPIE Proc, vol. 5667, pp. 1-9, (2005).
2005aEI Crosstalk.pdf
J.J. McCann,
“Rendering High-Dynamic Range Images: Algorithms that Mimic
Vision‚”in Proc. AMOS Technical Conference, US Air Force,Maui, p. 19-28, 2005.
2005 AMOS.pdf
J.J. McCann,
"High-dynamic-range scene compression in humans," in Human Vision and Electronic Imaging XI,, SPIE, San Jose, CA, USA, Proc.SPIE, vol. 6057, pp. 605707-605711, (2006).
McCann6057 47f.pdf
J.J. McCann,
"Ideal illuminants for rod/L-cone color," in Color Imaging XI, SPIE, San Jose, CA, USA, Proc.SPIE, vol. 6058, 605801-605808 (2006).
06aEI 6058-1.pdf
J.J. McCann,
"Measuring Constancy of Contrast Targets in Different Luminances - Complex 2-D and 3-D Scenes," in Fourteenth Color Imaging Conference, pp. 297 - 303, Scottsdale, Arizona (2006).
J.J. McCann and A. Rizzi,
"Spatial Comparisons: The Antidote to Veiling Glare Limitations in HDR Images",
in Proc ADEAC/SID&VESA, Atlanta, 155-158, 2006.
J.J. McCann and A. Rizzi,
"Optical veiling glare limitations to in-camera scene radiance measurements", in ECVP 2006 Abstracts, Perception, Vol. 35. Supplement, p. 51, 2006
07ECVP Rizzi.pdf
J.J. McCann,
Do we discount or ignore illumination? (Abstract)
Perception 01/2006; 35:22-22.
J.J. McCann,
"Aperture and object mode appearances in images," in Human Vision and Electronic Imaging XII, pp. , SPIE, San Jose, CA, USA, SPIE Proc, vol. 6492, pp. 64920Q-64912, (2007).
07EI 6492-26.pdf
J.J. McCann and A. Rizzi,
"Veiling glare: the dynamic range limit of HDR images," in Human Vision and Electronic Imaging XII, SPIE, San Jose, CA, USA, SPIE Proc, vol. 6492, pp. 649213-649210. (2007).
07EI 6492-41.pdf
J.J. McCann and A. Rizzi,
"Spatial Comparisons: The Antidote to Veiling Glare Limitations in Image Capture and Display" in IMQA2007 The Second Int. Workshop on Image Media Quality and its Applications, Chiba, Japan, E-1, 2007
A. Rizzi and J. J. McCann,
"On the behavior of spatial models of color," in Color Imaging XII: Processing, Hardcopy, and Applications, SPIE, San Jose, CA, USA, SPIE Proc, vol. 6493, pp. 649302-649314, (2007).
07EI 6493-01.pdf
A. Rizzi and J. J. McCann, " Computer algorithms that mimic human vision must respond to the spatial content in images”, SPIE Newsroom,10.1117/2.1200704.0675
J.J. McCann,
“Rod / Lcone color matching in complex images‚”in Perception ECVP Abstract Supplement, 2007.
07ECVP RC.pdf
A. Rizzi,
“Measuring the visible range of High Dynamic Range Images (HDRI)‚” in Perception ECVP Abstract Supplement, 2007.
07ECVP Rizzi.pdf
J.J. McCann,
"Art, science, and appearance in HDR images," J Soc Info Display 15/9, 709-719 (2007)
J.J. McCann and A Rizzi,
"Camera and visual veiling glare in HDR images," J Soc Info Display 15/9, 721–730 (2007)
J.J. McCann,
“Colors in Dim Illumination and Candlelight‚” in 15th Color Imaging Conference, Albuquerque, NM, 15, 313-318 , 2007.
A. Rizzi, M. Pezzetti, and J. J. McCann,
“Glare-limited Appearances in HDR Images‚” , in 15th Color Imaging Conference, Albuquerque, NM, Volume 15, 293-298, 2007.
07 CIC Rizzi.pdf
J.J. McCann
in CREATE, (Colour Research for European Advanced Technology Employment)
Managing Colour in Digital Processing and the Arte,
Un,of the West of England, Bristol, (Sept 14-20, 2007).
07 CREATE.pdf
reptinted in
J.J. McCann,
“The Interaction of Art, Technology and Customers in Picture Making", Colour: Design & Creativity (3) (2009): 2, 1-191369-1382 (2008).
Picture Making.pdf
reptinted in
J.J. McCann and Y. Miyake, (Prof. Miyake asked to publish this paper for readers in Japan.)
“The Interaction of Art, Technology and Customers in Picture Making", IEICE Transactions 91-A(6):1369-1382 (2008).
07 CREATE.pdf
“The Interaction of Art, Technology and Consumers in Pictures Making”
J.J. McCann,
"Perceptual rendering of HDR in painting and photography," in Human Vision and Electronic Imaging XIII, , SPIE, San Jose, CA, USA, SPIE Proc, vol. 6492, pp. 68060W-68015 (2008).
08EI 6806-30.pdf
J.J. McCann,
"Color gamuts in dim illumination", in Color Imaging XIII: Processing, Hardcopy, and Applications,, SPIE, San Jose, CA, USA, SPIE Proc, vol. 6807, pp. 680703-680709, (2008).
2008EI 6807-2.pdf
J.J. McCann,
“Color Matches in Dim Narrow-band Illumination‚
”in Proc. Association Internationale de la Couleur (AIC), Stockholm, (2008).
08 AIC McCann035F.pdf
J.J. McCann and A. Rizzi,
"Appearance of High-Dynamic Range Images in a Uniform Lightness Space,"
in CGIV 2008 / MCS/08 4th European Conference on Colour in Graphics, Imaging, Terrassa, Barcelona, Espania, vol. 4, pp. 177 - 182, (2008).
“Simultaneous Contrast and Intraocular Glare:Opposing Image Dependent Mechanisms in Appearance”
08 AIC Rizzi019F.pdf
J.J. McCann and A. Rizzi,
"Retinal HDR Images: The Effects of Intraocular Glare and Object Size," in Sixteenth Color Imaging Conference, Portland, Oregon, CIC 16, 16-21, (2008).
J.J. McCann and A. Rizzi,
"Preservation of edges: the mechanism for improvements in HDR imaging,"
in Human Vision and Electronic Imaging XIV,
SPIE, San Jose, CA, USA, SPIE Proc, vol. 6492, 72400U-72410, (2009).
C. E.Parraman, A. Rizzi and J. J. McCann,
"Color appearance and color rendering of HDR scenes: an experiment," in Color Imaging XIV: Displaying, Processing, Hardcopy, and Applications, SPIE, San Jose, CA, USA, SPIE Proc, vol. 6492, pp. 72410R-72412, (2009).
J. J. McCann, C. E. Parraman and A. Rizzi,
Proc. 2009 Association Internationale de la Couleur 11th Congress, Sidney, (2009).
J.J. McCann, C. E. Parraman and A. Rizzi,
“Reflectance, Illumination and Edges‚”Proc.Color Imaging Conference, Albuquerque, CIC 17, (2009).
09CIC 3DMond.pdf
A. Rizzi, and J. J. McCann,
“Glare-limited appearances in HDR images”, J. Soc. Info. Display 17 (1) pp. 3-12, 2009.
J.J. McCann, and A. Rizzi,
“Retinal HDR images: Intraocular glare and object size, J. Soc. Info. Display 17 (11), pp. 913-920, 2009.
J.J McCann,
“The Ansel Adams Zone System: HDR capture and range compression by chemical means‚”, in Human Vision and Electronic Imaging XVII, IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging, San Jose,
Proc. SPIE 7527, 7527-28, (2010).
10EI 7527-28 ADAMS.pdf
C. E. Parraman, J. J. McCann, A. Rizzi,
“Artist's colour rendering of HDR scenes in 3-D Mondrian colour-constancy experiments‚”, in Color Imaging XV: Displaying,Processing, Hardcopy, and Applications, [7528-1] SPIE, San Jose, CA, USA, SPIE Proc. vol. 7528, pp. 75281, (2010).
Parraman 7528-01.pdf
J.J. McCann, C. E. Parraman, A. Rizzi,
“Pixel and spatial mechanisms of color constancy”
in Color Imaging XV, [7528-2] SPIE, San Jose, CA, USA, SPIE Proc. 7528, 75282, (2010).
McCann 7528-02.pdf
J. J. McCann, V. Vonikakis, C . E. Parraman, and A Rizzi,
“Analysis of Spatial Image Rendering”,
Proc. IS&T/SID Color Imaging Conference, 19, (2010).
10CIC Rendering.pdf
J.J. McCann,
“HDR imaging and color constancy: Two sides of the same coin?‚”,
in The Dark Side of Color,
Color Imaging XVI, IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging, San Jose,
Proc. SPIE 7866, 7866-25, (2011).
11 EI7866-25.pdf
J.J. McCann, V. Vonikakis
“Human spatial processing accounts for dynamic range and color‚”,
The discernible improvement in high-dynamic-range digital imaging is due to greater detail in the rendered image, rather than accurate scene reproduction.
10 May 2011, SPIE Newsroom. DOI: 10.1117/2.1201102.003413
SPIE Newsroom, (2011).
J.J. McCann,
“Appearance at the low-radiance end of HDR vision: Achromatic & Chromatic‚”
Proc. IS&T/SID Color Imaging Conference, 19, 223-228 (2011).
11 CIC rodColor.pdf
J.J. McCann,
“Digital HDR Color Separation Images‚”
Proc. ISCC/IS&T/SID Special Topic: Revisiting Color Spaces, November 12, (2011).
11 ISCC.pdf
J.J. McCann, A. Rizzi,
“The Art and Science of HDR Imaging”
IS&T Wiley, Chichester (2012).
Wiley Sorry, this book, and ebook are not “Open Access”
Andrew Gallagher’s Book Review is available: Journal of Electronic Imaging Vol. 21, Issue 3 (Aug 2012)
NOTE: The following SPIE paper is a 17 page synopsis of the contents of “ The Art and Science of HDR Imaging”
J.J. McCann,
“The general solution to HDR imaging‚”
Proc. SPIE, 8191-60, 2012.
12 EI 8291-60n.pdf
J.J. McCann,
“Paintings, photographs and computer graphics are calculated appearances‚”,
in Human Vision and Electronic Imaging XVII, IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging, San Jose,
Proc. SPIE 8291, 8292-60, (2012).
12 EI 8291-36f.pdf
J.J. McCann,
“Color Assimilation and Contrast near Absolute Threshold‚”,
in Color Imaging XVII: Displaying, Processing, Hardcopy, and Applications, IS&T/SPIE, San Jose,
Proc. SPIE 8292,. 8292-2, (2012).
12EI rodColor.pdf
J.J. McCann and V. Vonikakis,
“Accurate Information vs. Looks Good:Scientific vs. Preferred Rendering‚”,
Proc. CGIV, 6, (2012).
J. J. McCann,
“CIC@20: The continuing "Tale of Two Paradigms‚”
Proc. IS&T/SID Color Imaging Conference, 20, 21-29, (2012)
12 CIC20.pdf
J.J. McCann, C.E. Parraman, A. Rizzi
“Edges and Gradients in real 3-D color scenes‚”
European Conference on Visual Perception, Alghero, Italy, 2012.
J.J. McCann, A. Rizzi
“Ansel Adams Zone System: Techniques for rendering HDR scenes on LDR film media”
European Conference on Visual Perception, Alghero, Italy, 2012.
The Ansel Adams Zone System, first described in 1949, was a two-step process that described techniques for scene capture and spatial manipulation of the rendered image [Adams, 1981]. The exposures of the film negative was calculated from spot-photometer scene measurements that determined the scene range. That range determined both the camera exposure and the development procedure in order to capture the entire scene range in the negative. Prints have a very limited range, so spatial dodging and burning techniques compressed the scene information into the rendition range. This work describes the Adam's Zone System and the parallel process of our human vision system to capture dynamic range of natural scenes. In particular the work focuses on the parallels with the High-Dynamic Range (HDR) rod/cone response and the LDR range of ganglion cells. Both the Zone System and human vision underline the important distinction of actual and apparent dynamic range of luminance.
A. Rizzi, J.J. McCann,
“Glare and Neural Contrast: Scene content controls the neural contrast response”
European Conference on Visual Perception, Alghero, Italy
J. J. McCann, V. Vonikakis, C. Bonanomi, and A.Rizzi,
“Chromaticity limits in color constancy calculations‚”
Proc. IS&T Color Imaging Conference, 21, 52-60, Albuquerque (2013)
J.J. McCann , C. Parraman, & A. Rizzi,
“Reflectance, illumination, and appearance in color constancy‚”
Frontiers in Psychology, 24, January 2014, 00005
J.J. McCann,
“ColorChecker at the beach: Dangers of sunburn and glare‚”
Proc. SPIE, 9015-31, 2014.
J.J. McCann,
“Color Science in Boston,”
Proc. IS&T Color Imaging Conference, Boston, 22, 278, (2014).
J.J. McCann
“Retinexes Algorithms: Many spatial processes used to solve many different problems”
Proc. “Retinex at 50”, in IS&T Electronic imaging, San Francisco, (2016)
link IS&T
J.J. McCann,
”Rendition techniques for HDR Scenes in Painting, Photography, and Electronic Imaging”,
Proc. ICIP, Phoenix, (2016).
ICIP 2016.pdf
J.J. McCann,
“Retinex Theory”, in Encyclopedia of Color Science and Technology,
Ed. R. Luo, Springer, pp. 1118 -1125, (2016).
ISBN 9781441980700
Retinex in Color Encl.pdf
J.J. McCann
"Retinex at 50: color theory and spatial algorithms, a review,"
J.Electron. Imaging 26(3), 031204 (2017) doi: 10.1117/1.JEI.26.3.031204.
J.J. McCann,
"What we see and what we know: Partners in human vision",
in Dark Side of Color, Electron. Imaging, IS&T: San Francisco (2017),
17 Darkside talkf.pdf Slides
J.J. McCann and V.Vonikakis,
“Calculating Retinal Contrast from Scene Content: A Program”,
Front. Psychol. | doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.02079 (2017).
J.J. McCann, V. Vonikakis, and A. Rizzi,
“HDR Scene Capture and Appearance”
SPIE Spotlight Tutorial, Chapters 1-15, 2018
J.J. McCann, V. Vonikakis, and A. Rizzi,
"Scene Content' in HDR Scene Capture and Appearance
SPIE Spotlight Tutorial, Chapters 8, 2018
Scene Content
J.J. McCann
“Limits of Color Constancy: Comparison of the signatures of chromatic adaptation and spatial comparisons”,
In Proc. Electronic Imaging: Color Imaging XXIV, IS&T, San Francisco, (2019).
IS&T link
J.J. McCann
“Temporary Tritanopia: : Effects of cataract surgery on color”
Proc. IS&T Color Imaging Conference, Paris, 22, 278, (2019).
CIC2019 Tritanopia.pdf
J.J. McCann and M.A McCann,
“Colors before and after cataract surgery:A study of color constancy and discrimination”,
In Proc. Electronic Imaging: Color Imaging XXV, IS&T, San Francisco, COLOR-236, (2020).
2020EI Cataract
J.J. McCann,
“Increases in scattered light causes increased darkness”,
in Proc. Electronic Imaging: Color Imaging XXV, IS&T, San Francisco, COLOR-279, (2020).
2020EI Darkness.pdf
J.J. McCann,
in Color Encycloprdia 2nd Ed., Draft, Springer, 2020
2020 Color Encyclopedia
J.J. McCann,
“What scene information is needed for Models of Color Appearance
in the Natural World?”
Coloration Technology, 137(1), 5-15, Nov 22, 2020
<2020Coloration f>
J.J. McCann,
“Image data’s hidden assumptions:
Consequences in Colorimetry and Natural Scenes”,
in Proc. Electronic Imaging: Color Imaging XXVI, IS&T, COLOR (2021).
<EI 348678>
J.J. McCann,
“Art, Reproduction Technology, and Science: Foundations of Understanding Color”
Keynote Address March 13, 2020. (Postponed).
Proceedings of 2nd International Symposium for Color Science and Art 2020.
2020 col.lab Tokyo.pdf
Video Keynote Address, March 19, 2021
Video "Color Constancy"
A. Rizzi, and J.J. McCann,
How do we measure visual response to light?
Proc. European Conference on Visual perception (ECVP), Aug 25, 2021
Poster: 2021ECVP
Video: ECVPvideo
2021 Congress of International Color Association (AIC)
Deane B. Judd Award 2021 Lecture
Recently John had a very pleasant surprise. He received an email from Vien Cheung, President of the International Color Association <>. She wrote John to inform him that he will receive the Deane B. Judd Medal at the AIC Congress in Milano in September.
The AIC (Association Internationale de la Colour) is made up of 25 Color Societies in 25 different countries. <> AIC is the organization that coordinates activities across all the international Color Groups. Every four years they hold a Congress that brings together all Members, this year it is in Milano. The AIC Congress is unusual in that they incorporate all disciplines of Color: physics, psychophysics, color technologies, architecture, design, and artists.
Vien wrote: “AIC Judd Medal is to recognise work of international importance in the fields of colour perception, colour measurement and colour technology. It is the highest honour that can be bestowed by the international colour community.”
Alessandro Rizzi
"Citation for John McCann: AIC Deane B. Judd Award 2021 recipient"
J.J. McCann,
“Color Vision responds to Natural Scenes:
Roles of Glare, Receptor Quanta Catch, and Neural Spatial Comparisons”
Retinex Home Page